Aston Villa is in a great rhythm lately, and i consider home team as a clear favorite here in this matchup on their own ground. On the other side, Nottingham Forest is unstable away from home, suffered 3 defeats in last 4 Premier League matches on the road, and so i like this pick.
El Aston Villa llega en un buen momento y viene de ganar sus últimos 4 partidos . Por lo tanto , creo que jugando como locales son favoritos a la victoria en este momento . Para esta apuesta creo que el valor es bastante claro por encima de cuota 2.10 .
Aston Villa will be playing host to Nottingham Forest in the English Premier League and I am tipping Aston Villa to win the game I think they are the favourites going into this game as they are currently in Fantastic form winning all 5 of their last 5 games and are generally a strong side at home so I quite fancy them.
vamos a por esta apuesta a por los locales en este partido veamos que vienen con un buen juego en ataque ademas de un buen juego ofensivo veamos que defensivamente tienen un juego regular los visitantes asi que ire a por esta apuesta a por los locales, suerte a todos.
Aston Villa se nalazi u odličnoj formi i pokazali su visok nivo igre na domaćem terenu. Nottingham Forest je često oscilirao u nastupima ove sezone i suočava se s izazovima na gostovanjima. Aston Villa je tim s više kvaliteta i očekuje se da će iskoristiti domaći teren za ostvarenje pobede. Forestu će biti teško da se odupre ovom kvalitetu.
I would like to invite you to a duel in the 1 st of England league where the Aston Villa team will play on their pitch with Nottingham Forest.It sould be a very even match and it is difficult to predict which team will come out victorious.Aston Villa currently ranks 8 th place.