Hi guys and welcome to my blog! I have found yet another excellent bet suggestion. This time in the affair between Claire Liu and Polina Kudermetova. Claire Liu comes in this matchup with good confidence. I think Claire Liu is going to win this game on this surface. Therefor I take Claire Liu. There is good value down to about 2.2 here. Bookmaker: William Hill. Good luck!
Polina Kudermetova is a much better ranked player, but for me not a clear favorite to win in this clash. Kudermetova is out of form lately, and on the other side i see Claire Liu as a very tricky opponent, so i see odds offered on Liu worth a pick.
Polina Kudermetova nije uopste u dobroj formi tako mislim da bi domaca tensierka na ovom turniru CLaire Liu Mogla ovde do iznendjenja i velikog skalpa za nju. Ona ne igra lose, u kvalifikacijama je bila odlicna tako da ja ovde moram pokusati sa iznenadjenjem i tipom na pobedu CLaire Liu. Srecno!