Hi guys and welcome to my blog! For the affair between Borna Coric and Cristian Garin I have found yet another interesting suggestion. Cristian Garin has played well lately and is a very small favorite between these. Therefor I take Cristian Garin. Fine value down to about 2.2 here. Bookmaker: BetClic.it. Good luck!
Tesko da moze bilo koji od ove dvojice da resi lagano ovaj kec, mislim da je ovo mec za 5 seta i obojica igraju promeniljov i nekonstanko sa brdom padova ubigir ocekukem da ovde cidimo jedan bas dugacak mec u kojem ce obojica uzeti barem po 2 seta i probiti granicy
Coric je daleko od forme u kojoj je nekada bio kada je mogao da pobedjuje i dosta bolje tenisere kako bilo u ovom mecu je favorit aliu ocekuujem jako tezak posao za njega Garin je jako opasan rival i mislim da ima dobre sanse da iznenadi i ja cu da pokusam sa njegovom pobedom ali u prvom setu. Srecno
Hello guys we have a very good game in the Australian grand slam atp I think the two players would want to progress but I think in as much the game is difficult I think the two players are going to be very competitive so to all tipping on it good luck
Partido correspondiente a la primera ronda del torneo de grand slam ATP del open de Australia en el que espero que la calidad de los dos jugadores en este partido haga que se jueguen mínimo cuatro sets y con uno o dos tie breaks ambos manteniendo sus servicios por lo que mas de 37'5 juegos y gran acierto