Academia Puerto Cabello is in a very good rhythm these days, they are with 3 clean sheet victories in last 4 played matches, and i see them as clear favorites here in this matchup. Metropolitanos is far from top form, and this team is pretty weak away from home, so i like this pick.
Academia Puerto Cabello affiche une belle régularité à domicile et possède un effectif capable de faire la différence offensivement. Metropolitanos FC peine en déplacement, notamment face aux équipes bien organisées. Avec une attaque efficace et un jeu bien structuré, Academia a les armes pour s’imposer et prendre les trois points dans ce duel.
Hi guys welcome to my tips. Academia Puerto Cabello is in a very good rhythm these days, they are with 3 clean sheet victories in last 4 played matches, and i see them as clear favorites here in this matchup. Metropolitanos is far from top form, and this team is pretty weak away from home, so i like this pick.
En esta oportunidad vamos a ir al encuentro Academia Puerto Cabello-Metropolitanos FC por lo cual vamos a buscar una victoria del cuadro de Academia Puerto Cabello porque está jugando muy bien y podemos sacar gran provecho de esta línea por parte del cuadro contrincante no lo veo al 100% y no lo veo con juego para que pueda sacar un resultado positivo, sin más que decir vamos con este pronóstico que nos puede dar verde. Saludos
We have between Puerto and Metro at Copa Sudamerica . Its a final game between this two teams . If we watching h2h stats , we can see better stats is for away team . But after last games home team show better results and they are pretty good at home . Metro is very bad on away games , cant win 5 straight games in a row .
Acadmia Purto Cabello and Metropolitanos FC plays by th Copa Sudamericana and is good to me with a form that is good to the Metropolitanos and is good to have the AH +0.5 and is good to me while the Puerto cabello doesn't so good with a face-off 5:0 to Metropolitanos
Academia Puerto Cabello da pobedi ili igra nerešeno
Academia Puerto Cabello je u vrlo dobrom ritmu ovih dana, imaju 3 čiste pobjede u posljednja 4 odigrana meča, i vidim ih kao očigledne favorite ovdje u ovoj utakmici. Metropolitanos je daleko od vrhunske forme, a ova momčad je prilično slaba u gostima, pa mi se sviđa ovaj izbor. .
Partido entre 2 equipos de nivel similar pero en el que doy favoritismo al Puerto Cabello por su condición de local . Por lo tanto , veo mucho valor en esta apuesta a favor de los locales que vienen de ganar 3 de sus últimos 4 partidos . Valor por encima de cuota 1.50 .
According to my views analysis of the match play,they are with 3 clean sheet victories in last 4 played matches, and i see them as clear favorites here in this matchup. Metropolitanos is far from top form, and this team is pretty weak away from home, so i like this pick on the home team win.