Mushuc Runa is not in a top form at the moment, but despite that, i see home team as a clear favorite in this upcoming clash. Orense is a weaker rival, and this team is generally very unstable away from home, so for me odds offered on straight 1 are worth a pick.
Mushuc Runa and Orense plays by the Copa Sudamericana and is good to me with a form 2-2-1 and is etter to me while the Orense form doesn't so good to me, so the host is better to win this one to me because is a good team at home
Hi guys welcome to my tips. Mushuc Runa is not in a top form at the moment, but despite that, i see home team as a clear favorite in this upcoming clash. Orense is a weaker rival, and this team is generally very unstable away from home, so for me odds offered on straight 1 are worth a pick.
We have playoff game in COPA SUDAAMERICA game between Runa and Orense . I will go with Runa team , they are pretty good at home ground . Orense is pretty bad on away games , earned only one single victory in last 7 away games . Good luck .
Mushuc Runa n'est pas en pleine forme en ce moment, mais malgré cela, je vois l'équipe locale comme un favori évident dans cet affrontement à venir. Orense est un rival plus faible, et cette équipe est généralement très instable à l'extérieur, donc pour moi, les cotes offertes en ligne droite valent le prix d'un choix.
Academia Puerto Cabello je u vrlo dobrom ritmu ovih dana, imaju 3 čiste pobjede u posljednja 4 odigrana meča, i vidim ih kao očigledne favorite ovdje u ovoj utakmici. Metropolitanos je daleko od vrhunske forme, a ova momčad je prilično slaba u gostima, pa mi se sviđa ovaj izbor. .