Kickers i Todesfelde ce sutra igrati ovaj mec njemacke regionalne nogometne lige. Mec ce se igrati od 18 sati. Ovo je mec gdje ipak ne ocekujem toliki9 broj golova. Ove dvije ekipe nisu po statistikama u vrhu po golovaima pa mislim da bi oni u ovom mecu trebali biti ispod 4 gola
Nous avons cette rencontre entre Kickers Emden et SV Todesfelde. Kickers Emden est la meilleure équipe dans ce match, et ils devraient gagner ce match à domicile. Je vais parier avec une mise maximale de 10 unités sur Kickers Emden pour gagner la première mi-temps dans ce match. Bonne chance à tous
Hi guys welcome to my tips. This is a game which I expect to see lot of goals as these two teams tend to score a lot. As regards recent matches, the home team will be going in this match with 2 win in their last 5 games while the away team have won 2 of their last 5 games. Let's hope we get another green here.
Kickers Emden
SV Todesfelde
This is a game which I expect to see lot of goals as these two teams tend to score a lot. As regards recent matches, the home team will be going in this match with 2 win in their last 5 games while the away team have won 2 of their last 5 games. Let's hope we get another green here.
Ovo je utakmica u kojoj očekujem puno golova jer ove dvije momčadi obično postižu mnogo golova. Što se tiče nedavnih utakmica, domaća momčad će u ovu utakmicu ići s 2 pobjede u zadnjih 5 utakmica, dok je gostujuća momčad pobijedila 2 od zadnjih 5 utakmica. Nadajmo se da ćemo ovdje dobiti još jedan zeleni.