Memphis Tigers went under this line four of the last five games. In the last game, they won 77-68 vs Charlotte and were easily under this line. Wichita State Shockers went under this line in the last two games. I do not expect too many points. Also, in the last h2h game, we saw 136 points.
Memphis je ekipa koja gaji defanzivan stil, zbog čega su često njihovi mečevi neatraktivni, a granica od 159 poena se pokazala previsokom u četiri od pet njihovih NCAA mečeva. Osim toga, Wichita State je poslednja dva meča odigrala daleko ispod pomenute granice, tako da mislimo da ovde postoje dobre šanse da dobijemo nisko-poenterski meč.
Hi guys and welcome to my blog! Value is found in the meeting between Memphis Tigers and Wichita State Shockers. I expect probably few points in this game. I see decent value on under 157.5. Very good value down to about 1.8 here. Good luck with this bet ! This should be a good match