Bahia won three and drew two in the last five games. The Strongest drew two and lost one in the last three games. In the last one, they lost 3-0 vs Univeritario de Vinto. I expect a big win for Bahia. The odds are really nice, but I expect a big drop.
vamos a por esta apuesta a por los visitantes en este partido veamos que vienen con un buen juego en ataque ademas de un buen juego ofensivo veamos que defensivamente el juego de los locales viene siendo regular asi que ire a por esta apuesta a por los visitantes suerte a todos
EC Bahia and The Strngest plays by the Libertadores cup and is good to me with 2:3 and even with Strongest form s 4:1 and doesn't so good to not have the BTTS and is better to me while the chance is good to not have the BTTS in the match
Bahia i Strongest ce iduci vikend igrati ovaj mec Copa Libertadoresa. Mec ce se igrati 26.02. Brazilski timovi nisu nesto vicni velikom broju golova, oni obicno zabijaju 1 do 2. Gosti imaju dobar sastav, mogu i nauditi pa mislim da ovaj mec oni nece izgubiti sa vise od 2 razlike.