8th Mar 25, 08:00
Western United
Wellington Phoenix
This is a game which I expect to see lot of goals as these two teams tend to score a lot. As regards recent matches, the home team will be going in this match with 2 win in their last 5 games while the away team have won 0of their last 5 games. Let's hope we get another green here.
Ovo je utakmica u kojoj očekujem puno golova jer ove dvije momčadi obično postižu mnogo golova. Što se tiče nedavnih utakmica, domaća momčad će u ovu utakmicu ići s 2 pobjede u zadnjih 5 utakmica, dok je gostujuća momčad pobijedila 0 od zadnjih 5 utakmica. Nadajmo se da ćemo ovdje dobiti još jedan zeleni.
2nd against 11th, both teams are separated by 13 points, Western plays 19 games, Wellington 18. Western is back on 2nd place after 2 wins in a row after a winless 0-2-1 series. 5 games is Wellington winless with a 0-2-3 series and lost the last 3 games in a row, but I expect here a little suprise.
Doublebet X or 2
After 3 winless games with a 0-2-1 series, Western won again at least 2 games and is again 2nd in the table and scored 32 points from 19 games and is 8 points behind leader Auckland. Wellington, on the other hand, fell back in the table to 11 place after 3 defeats in a row in a winless 0-2-3 series and scored 19 points from 18 games. Western is favoured, I ´m betting on a surprise.