UCD is struggling these days, home team earned one point in previous two games, but despite that, i see hosts as clear favs in this upcoming matchup. Finn Harps is notably weaker opponent, and away team is currently on a 6 game losing streak, so i pick straight 1 here.
Hi guys welcome to my tips. UCD is struggling these days, home team earned one point in previous two games, but despite that, i see hosts as clear favs in this upcoming matchup. Finn Harps is notably weaker opponent, and away team is currently on a 6 game losing streak, so i pick straight 1 here.
Home team sitting at the league table at 8 th place , after two games , they have 1 point, scored 1 goal and conceded 4 . Away team sitting at the league table at 10 th place with 0 points , they scored 0 goals and conceded 6 goals . After some rounds for me home team is favs .
Hello and welcome to this football game. The teams playing here are UCF and Finn Harps. The home and host team is UCD who's the favourite to win and I back them to do so all things been equal. Finn Harps should bean easy opponent for UCD Thank you and best wishes.
UCD est en difficulté ces jours-ci, l'équipe à domicile a gagné un point lors des deux matchs précédents, mais malgré cela, je vois les hôtes comme des favoris évidents dans ce match à venir. Finn Harps est un adversaire nettement plus faible, et l'équipe à l'extérieur est actuellement sur une série de 6 défaites, donc je choisis tout droit 1 ici.
UCD se muči ovih dana, domaća momčad je osvojila jedan bod u prethodne dvije utakmice, ali unatoč tome, vidim domaćina kao jasne favorite u ovom nadolazećem dvoboju. Finn Harps je osjetno slabiji protivnik, a gostujući tim je trenutno u nizu od 6 poraza, tako da ovdje biram ravno 1. .