Veronika je svakako kvalitetnija teniserka u ovom trenutku,igra agresivniji tenis,ima bolji servis i imaće veće šanse da povede sa 1:0 u ovom meču pre 11 gema.Nije bilo preko 10 gemova u ps u tom prvom meču između ove dve teniserke,pa bi tako trebalo ostati i posle prvog seta ovog meča.
I think this is a great match for Kudermetova to bounce back from a 6-0, 6-0 defeat against Belinda Bencic. I don’t know what was wrong with her, but that was a embarrassing match from her hand. When you look at the Italian tennis player, I think she’s playing her last matches as a single player and she might focus to play doubles more in your future.