Otro partido de claro color local . Los visitantes no han ganado ninguno de sus últimos 5 partidos y creo que tienen escasas opciones de puntuar aquí . Ademas , el Lens ha mejorado su juego y viene de ganar sus 2 últimos partidos . Valor por encima de cuota 1.55 .
Lens will be playing host to Saint-Etienne in the French Ligue 1 and I am tipping Lens to win the game I think they are the favourites going into this game as they are currently on back to back wins so I expect them to be dominant at home here and should play really well.
Lens na svom terenu dočekuje ekipu Saint Etienne. Gosti su jedni od kandidata za ispadanje i igru sljedeće sezone u nižem rangu. S druge strane, Lens je upisao dvije jako bitne pobjede protiv teških protivnika i ukoliko nastave u dobrom ritmu, sigurno je da mogu doći do jedne od pozicija koja vodi u europsko takmičenje.
6th Apr 25, 14:00
I expect high energy in this game from Lens. Playing at home is a huge advantage here and even though this game might seem balanced, the advantage tilts the match in their favor. As regards recent matches, the home team will be going in this match with 2 win in their last 5 games while the away team have won 0 of their last 5 games. Let's hope we get another green here.
Good afternoon my fellow competitors here is another great match between Lens and Saint-Etienne. My prediction goes to Asian Handicap - 1 for Lens at the end of the match. From previous statistics it shows that home team has always been the best which in this case I go for AH - 1 for home team full time
The hosts of this match ,Lens have been playing insconsistently this season,alternating their very good matches with not so successful games.In the last round after a very close match,they defeated Rennes 1-0 on their pitch and are currently 8 th place in the table with 39 pints in French 1 st league.
Lens is with a high confidence, after clean sheet victories against Marseille and Rennes, and i consider home team as a strong favorite to win in this clash. St Etienne is totally out of rhythm, away team earned 2 pts combined in last 6 games, and so i like this spread on hosts.
Lens dolazi u ovu utakmicu kao favorit, s obzirom na svoju trenutnu formu i domaći teren. Ekipa se pokazala kao vrlo čvrsta u poslednjim utakmicama, dok Saint-Etienne ima problema sa konstantnošću, naročito na gostovanjima. Azijski hendikep -0.75 znači da Lens treba da pobedi barem sa dva gola razlike kako bi pokrio hendikep. S obzirom na kvalitet tima, očekuje se da Lens bude dominantan u ovoj utakmici i da ostvari ubedljiv trijumf.
vamos a por esta apuesta a por los visitantes en este partido veamos que vienen con un buen juego en ataque ademas de un buen juego ofensivo veamos que defensivamente el juego de los locales viene siendo regular asi que veo posible un buen resultado para la visita suerte a todos.
Match of football. We are in the best championship of football of France ,the Ligue 1. Match between Lens and Saint Etienne. For this match i wanna try the asian Handicap+1,25 for Saint Etienne. They are a strong team and for me they won't lose with such an High score difference.