Fulham is in a very good rhythm lately, with 3 wins in last 4 games, including victories against Man Utd and Tottenham, so i see home team underrated in this upcoming clash. Liverpool is out of rhythm, and away team has managed to beat Fulham only once in last 3 h2h clashes, so i like AH +1 on hosts.
Dans ce match de football entre Fulham et Liverpool, je vois une victoire de l'équipe à domicile avec handicap +1 car je trouve que chez eux ils font de bons matchs et en plus la cote me semble très haute en leur faveur donc je vais miser sur cela !
Fulham će imati težak zadatak protiv Liverpoola, koji je u odličnom formi. Ipak, Fulham je poznat po tome da se dobro nosi sa jačim timovima kod kuće i često uspeva da izbegne teže poraze. Azijski hendikep +1 za Fulham znači da čak i ako Liverpool pobedi, Fulham bi mogao da pokrije hendikep i izbegne poraz od više od jednog gola. Očekuje se borbena utakmica, a Fulham bi mogao da ostane u igri do samog kraja.
Good morning my fellow competitors here is another great match between Fulham and Liverpool. My prediction goes to Asian Handicap +1 for Fulham at the end of the match. From previous statistics it shows that both teams have been drawing mostly which in this case I go for AH +1 for home team full time
Fulham je jedna od ekipa koja itekako zna blistati na svom terenu. U goste im dolazi Liverpool, koji je gotovo pa osigurao titulu. Oni su sva svoja takmičenja završili i ostala im je samo liga. Dosta teških utakmica su imali i ja vjerujem da domaćini ovdje mogu izvući pozitivan rezultat.
Hi guys welcome to bet community. Here is my tip on this match. We go off straight to England where two teams do face each other. Home team Fulham do play against the visiting team Liverpool. Therefore I do see liverpool seem favorite to win. So I do pick liverpool wins
vamos a por esta apuesta a por menos de 2.5 goles en este partido veamos que ambos clbues tienen un buen juego en ataque ademas de un bue njeugo ofensivo veamos que defensivamente tienen un juego bastante luchador asi que ire a por esta apuesta a por menos de 2.5 goles suerte a todos.
Fulham will have a very difficult task in this match to fight for a good result because their rival is the leader of the table and a sure candidate to win the championship title. season Liverpool.The hosts are currently 10 th place in the table with 42 points won the season.