Hi guys and welcome to my blog! I have found a new great tip for the affair between Mark Lajal and Rodrigo Pacheco. Rodrigo Pacheco is better in my book and I think Rodrigo Pacheco is gonna win. Therefor I take Rodrigo Pacheco. Dont play this bet lower than 2.3 as the value is gone. Bookmaker: BetClic.it. Good luck!
Dans ce match de tennis entre Lajal et Pacheco, je vois une victoire de Pacheco car tout d'abord je trouve que la cote est très haute en sa faveur et en plus Lajal ne me semble pas très en forme en ce moment donc je vais miser sur cela !
Mark Lajal je nesto bolje rangiran igrac u ovom trenutku, ali po meni ne i ocigledan favorit za pobedu u ovom duelu. Rodrigo Pacheco generalno igra dobro u svojoj rodnoj zemlji, i mislim da ce biti silno motivisan u ovom duelu, tako da po meni definitivno vredi probati po ovoj kvoti.
Rodrigo Pacheco for me has come with a very tough side to win this game as Mark is not in a better form and I think fatigue might affect him with many fixtures coming through. Pacheco has had enough rest and will take things their way here to win in the end.
Lajal will be playing against Pacheco in tennis game. Lajal has been in good form as he has won three out of the last four games played while Pacheco has been also in good form winning two out of the last three games played . Odds for Pacheco look really good