Tatjana Maria igra jako dobro u posljednje vrijeme. Prije par dana osvojila je celendžer turnir, vezala 5 pobjeda a u istom ritmu je nastavila i u Singapuru. Mertens svakako veliki favorit, međutim, prednost dajem Nijemici i vjerujem da može do teške, ali vrlo važne pobjede za nju i nastavka u dobrom ritmu.
Partido por el tenis femenino y es que tenemos a la segunda ronda del challenger de Singapur Y tenemos dos grandes competidores que pueden pasar las líneas ofensivas de 19,5 puntos el pronóstico del día de hoy con un valor de cuotas de 1,94 para entender buen servicio el dos
The Belgian tennis player gave only one game against Taylor in her previous match and put on a magnificent performance. These two faced each other last year in Germany on a Cley court tennis player was the one who emerged victorious from that encounter in her previous match the German tennis player gave one set to her opponent. I like the Belgian tennis player Martin in this match as well she will secure the victory against the German tennis player and honestly, she is one of my candidates for the championship in this Tournament.
Deuxieme match du tournoi de Singapour demain matin avec Maria qui va affronter Elise Mertens.
Elise Mertens est très bon depuis le début de la saison en simple, elle a écrasé Townsend au premier tour.
En face, Maria reste sur de bons matchs mais pour moi elle est nettement moins forte physiquement que Mertens.
Je vois Mertens enchainer une deuxieme large victoire