Good evening my competitors here is another great match between OFK Beograd and Zeleznicar Pancevo. My prediction goes to Asian Handicap - 0.5 for OFK Beograd at the end of the match. From previous statistics it shows that home team has always been the best which in this case I go for AH - 0.5 for home team full time
U utakmici između OFK Beograda i Željezničara Pančevo, očekuje se manji broj golova. Oba tima imaju tendenciju igrati čvrsto u obrani, a napadački učinak im nije uvijek dovoljno učinkovit za postizanje velikog broja golova. S obzirom na njihov stil igre i sklonost održavanju rezultatske ravnoteže, tip ispod 3 gola je vjerojatniji za ovu utakmicu.
OFK Beograd are 6th with 33 points from 23 matches. Zeleznicar Pancevo are 10th with 28 points from 23 matches. Both teams are in poor form, but I think that OFK are a better team overall and should win the match. The odds are nice, but dropping. Max stake 10.
Superliga match between OFK Beograd and Zeleznicar Pancevo, i will bet on Zeleznicar Pancevo to win this match away from home, i think this can happen in match like this, odd is great for this pick and i will bet 8 units, good luck to all who follows this pick
OFK Beograd je 6. sa 33 boda iz 23 utakmice. Železničar Pančevo je 10. sa 28 bodova iz 23 utakmice. Obje ekipe su u lošoj formi, ali mislim da je OFK sveukupno bolji tim i da bi trebao dobiti utakmicu. Izgledi su dobri, ali padaju. Maksimalni ulog 10. . .