Pour ce match de handball qui va compter pour la coupe du monde qui se deroule en ce moment l'équipe de l'Allemagne va jouer contre l'équipe de la République Tchèque et ce sont bien les Allemands qui seront les favoris du match. une victoire par plus de 3,5 buts est possible.
Here we go! Good morning my best freinds! I concider that handicap -3.5 in this match is the best what i can to prefer to you. Away team is bad form especially last 2 games. and we can here to bet on the total under 56.5 Will see it. Bye
After two mixed but successful games, the German national handball team can get their third win in three games here. The Czech Republic, on the other hand, need a third win after two draws, as they could slip down to fourth place if Poland meet Switzerland. Of course, the silver medallists from last year's Olympics have different expectations.
Njemačka je izraziti favorit u ovom dvoboju zahvaljujući svojoj snažnoj obrani, brzom prijelazu u napad i dubini kadra. Međutim, azijski hendikep od +7.5 za Češku pruža određeni prostor. Češka ima borbenu momčad koja može iskoristiti sporije faze igre Njemačke ili rotacije u sastavu. Ako Češka zadrži koncentraciju, smanji tehničke pogreške i iskoristi prilike iz polukontri, postoji realna šansa da ostanu unutar postavljenog hendikepa. Ipak, Njemačka će dominirati i vjerojatno ostvariti uvjerljivu pobjedu.